Vayechi: January 2, 2021/18 Tevet 5781
We've made it to the end of the year and the end of the first book of the Torah. This week is Parashat Vayechi, the last portion of the book of Genesis and with it, the conclusion of the Patriarchal narrative. Jacob, now 137 years old, has come to the end of his life, and he wants to bless his children. First, he summons Joseph and his two sons, Ephraim and Menashe. He blesses his grandsons, elevating them to the status of his own sons, who will go on to found tribes. In what appears to be a pattern throughout the period of the Patriarchs, Ephraim, the younger son, is given precedence over his older brother. After blessing Joseph's sons, Jacob assembles his 12 sons and pronounces a long narrative blessing for all of them, with a section for each son. While the blessings for the younger sons are fairly standard affairs, with some wordplay that is lost in translation, the blessings for his older sons have an interesting aspect. Jacob's oldest children are blessed not just fo...