Bechukotai (Leviticus 26:3-27:34) May 28, 2022/27 Iyyar 5782
This parasha, the last in the book of Leviticus, deals with some pretty heavy stuff. As the name, meaning "According to My laws" indicates, the first half of the portion is comprised of the blessings and curses that await the Israelite nation depending on whether they obey God's commandments or not (the second half is a list of the standard values of people and property for the purposes of monetary offerings for the upkeep of the Temple). The blessings are pretty standard - rain at the right time, ample harvests, prosperity, and peace and tranquility in the land. All good things. And then, we come to the other side of the equation. The list of curses is extensive and detailed. We are threatened with drought, invasion, mayhem, cats and dogs living together, the full gamut of chaos. Our sins will be punished sevenfold, though God will never forsake us, even as we are cursed to eat the flesh of our children. Even with the promise of God remembering us, this whole business of...