Emor (Leviticus 21:1-24:23) May 1, 2021/19 Iyyar 5781
This week's parashah, Emor, starts off pretty dry. God instructs Moses and Aaron in the special laws governing the conduct of kohanim in order to preserve their special holiness as the priestly caste. This includes things like who they may marry, the sorts of ritual impurity they must avoid, how and by whom the different sacrifices are to be eaten (most animal sacrifices were not burnt in their entirety, but rather most of the animal was eaten by the priests and/or the donor), and which conditions can disqualify a kohen from service. From there, the procedures for the celebrating of the various holidays of the year are expounded. We are commanded to blow the shofar on Rosh Hashanah, to fast on Yom Kippur, to wave the Four Species on Sukkot, and to count the Omer in the seven weeks following Pesach. And, of course, there are the details of the special sacrifices to be offered on each holiday. The instructions are recorded for lighting the eternal light in the Tabernacle and for the ...