Tetzaveh (Exodus 27:20-30:10) February 27, 2021/15 Adar 5781

The ancient world saw a natural connection between temporal and spiritual leadership. In some societies, the roles of king and high priest were one and the same, and even where there was a division, the king still wielded divine authority as either the descendant of the gods or as their personal representative - something which even lasted into the twentieth century, with the Emperor of Japan only repudiating his alleged descent from the goddess Amaterasu in 1946 (the exact meaning of the Humanity Declaration is rather unclear and outside the purview of this blog, but the Showa Emperor did declare that he was not a divine incarnation). This wasn't the case for the Israelites. In this week's parashah, Moses is given instruction about making priestly vestments for Aaron and his sons and for the ceremony in which they are to be ordained as the priests. Even with their new office conferring religious power as the administrators of the sacrificial cult, Aaron and his descendants do...