Lekh Lekha: October 31, 2020/13 Heshvan 5781
In this week's parashah, we get our first introduction to the patriarch of the Jewish nation, Abram (who will eventually be known as Abraham). God comm ands him to "Go away from your land, from your birthplace, and from your father's house, to the land that I will show you". But unlike Noah, who God chose because of his righteousness, there's no indication of how Abram came to deserve God's favor. There are a couple of well-known midrashim about Abram's childhood (the Torah's narrative first meets him when he is 75). The first envisions a young Abram searching for divinity in the polytheistic society of his homeland of Haran. Rather than worshipping all the various gods of his peers, Abram resolves to find the supreme deity and direct his worship there. Abram sees the sun, and he determines that it must be the greatest of the gods. Then, night falls and the sun appears to be defeated by the moon. So Abram decides to worship the moon. But at dawn, the s...